fiddlehead.....every changing, ever growing

fiddlehead....ever changing, ever growing

Sunday, April 29, 2012

the dream continues

Today I saw a dream come true
A dream came true
for my dear soul friend, Margo.

For years Margo has been on a path to share the spirit of yoga.

I have seen her work so hard on this journey.
Margo imagined,
she dreamed and
and in the end she did the work to create this moment.

She took a leap of faith and went to teacher training  with Baron Baptiste.
She stretched outside her comfort zones.
She began teaching her first classes at Yoga Pearl in Portland.
I knew then as I took my first class, with tears in my eyes
 that she had indeed discovered her gift and would share it.

Later becoming a sponsored athlete by Nike,
she traveled, offered up yoga to all who knew her.
She grew in it.
Along the way she went abroad to Spain to teach yoga...and then
came back to begin a life in Chicago.
To take a leap of faith and open a yoga studio, Vessel Yoga.
She became the teacher to other yogis.

All along she held onto her dreams.
Dreams to share her passion for yoga,
and its power to transform our lives.

She became a mother and a wife.
Embraced family.
All along the dreams.

There were growing pains along the way.
moments of questioning, uncertainty.
moments of belief and hope.
and then moments like this!

Today I witnessed my friend triumph
 on the OWN network Super Soul Sunday!! 
in their "Breathing Space" segment,
click here to watch the piece on OWN

With her beautiful presence Margo lead a class as Oprah,
yes Oprah
spoke these beautiful words. 

"In today's Breathing Space we take a deep breathe with yoga.
In sandscript the word yoga means 
to unite.
And for centuries this practice has been used to unite the mind, body & spirit.
It's an invitation from the soul to slow down.
be present,
be here now and focus on each movement.

And while some poses appear quite simple,
they are deceptively complex.
It takes a lot of concentrated effort to be in the moment.

Even if you don't do yoga.
let it inspire you.
How can you be more in balance
and in harmony.

I am hoping you give yourself a little time to get centered,
flex some new muscles and find your inner peace today.

-Oprah Winfrey

And all along she held onto the dream.
it isn't the end of that dream.  
It will continue to grow and change as she does
..the dream continues.


Shaelah Morris said...

This brings tears to my eyes as I have been on this journey with Margo and she did it...she is still doing as am I. All of us on the path help lift each other up and my is smiling at the thought of Margo's bliss right's's the message...thanks for writing this!! You are amazing as well!! Om on-Shaelah Morris

Contemplating Beauty said...

A friend sent me an email today that said she had a word from God for me and it was DREAM BIGGER.

That is what I am going to focus on more, and this story is truly inspiring!!!! Thanks for sharing!

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