fiddlehead.....every changing, ever growing

fiddlehead....ever changing, ever growing

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Welcome- to my world

(when you pull into the front of out long driveway you see this sign I just made-
langauges included Amarchic, Chinese, German, French, Hawaiian)

Welcome to my world!

Boys reading in trees

my sweet girl growing up way too fast...
full of spirit and these sweet smiles

and watching spring  SPRING before our eyes.
I love this magnolia in my neighbors yard.  Every year I feel like it is deserving of special attention.

The buds are even beautiful after the petals fall off.... must paint these

Welcome to my world...or at least a part of that world.
notice how I didn't include the virtual construction zone in my front yard, the lack of potty training, cat box or general disorganization .    
Welcome to some of the best parts of my world!

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