fiddlehead.....every changing, ever growing

fiddlehead....ever changing, ever growing

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

($%*@&! the lost Christmas

We had a wonderfully, relaxing, exciting and fun Christmas.  Full of believing, love and giving.  Christmas Eve at church. Juddy, Drew and Jack all sang in front of the church.  We went out to dinner as a family.  Santa was up late but did a fantastic job.  That Santa is so savvy.   Christmas morning was wonderful.  Why have I not shared our Christmas photos?  What is wrong with Jeni?
#$ know what that means.  Gad-nab-it!  ;)

Our Christmas morning photos are gone.  Utterly, totally erased.  And I did it.  I am so bummed and feeling so angry with myself.  It was a really quick flick of my index finger in a mindless moment.

For some unknown reason a camera error popped up as I was uploading my Christmas morning photos.  I went to click the ok button to acknowledge the #$@)%* error and then realized that instead I just "clicked" the delete all photos button.
oh...#@($)*%@#!!  And then there was nothing.

And I have already taken down all the decorations, so I can't try and fake a few Christmas morning photos.  Darn it.  Tessa's first Christmas morning.  Our family all together on Christmas morning.

Here is the bright side (there always needs to be one).  Andy took quite a bit of video on our old tape video recorder.  So, we do have that.  Maybe I can play that on our t.v. and try and get some still shots.

Here are a few random shots from Christmas Eve and than later on Chrismas Day.

Judson and Drew singing in the Children's Choir....and Candle light during Silent night...beautiful

Tessa's all-time favorite xmas gift "Brobee" (held by Jack).  He danced and sang.  Notice past tense.  I think she wore him out within a couple hours.  Sometimes he will work. Today he did not at all.  Poor Brobee.  Jack and Tes are standing on Jack's indoor trampoline.  Yes, I am somewhat crazy for indoor energy exertion.   A must for winters with 3 boys.  Another huge hit, and it is still in the family room.

Andy's brother, Ben, with sweet baby Ingrid and Tessa.

Autntie Alex with Baby Ingrid...adorable little sweetie pie

Notice Tessa's red kitchen (from Christmas morning) in the background and the mess all around.  That is Christmas morning only worse.   Here Jack is in an action shot and loving his "shooter"!

So, that is what I have until I take still shots from video.  There are worse things in the world, I know.  Losing photos is a bummer.  And that is where it will stay.  A big bummer.  I am just glad we had our Christmas together...a really wonderful Christmas.


Bridget said...

If it makes you feel any better- that is what happened to our wedding photos. I'm not kidding. I asked family for all their random snapshots and got a few keepers- but it's always been kind of sad to me. Sorry about your lost photos- it's sad. It just is. I know.

Meg said...

Oh Lordy, that's a doozy! I offer up a huge !@#$%^&*() in your honor. That really stinks!!!

I hope you are able to get some good shots from the video!!

Thank you for visiting the fiddlehead report!