Please join us in celebrating the referral for our sweet girl!!!! Here we are with a referral for a beautiful 10 week old baby girl. We are blessed beyond measure and over joyed! She is healthy, healthy, healthy. She is beautiful...with big brown eyes, baby smooth brown sugar skin, and beautiful long curls. I wish I could share the 2 photos I have with you but I can not until we pass court and she is officially our daughter. We feel so much love for her and can't wait to have her in our arms and bring her home.
Her given name is Tesfanesh. I believe the name is pronounced just as it is spelled. It is a bit of a tongue twister! For now, we are calling her "T". Eventually, we will know what her name will be. I already have many thoughts, but we haven't decided just yet. I can say that her name literally means "you are hope". How perfect is that!? It amazes me actually....this journey to her has all been about hope!!!
Everything appears to be in order. No problems with paperwork....no issues that could cause delays. This is a comfort to us. We will now wait to be assigned a court date, hopefully this fall, and then after we pass court will make arrangements to travel about 8-12 weeks later. We are hopeful that she could bring her home when she is 6-7 months old!
The boys were very excited to see T's photo. I gave each of them a photo turned upside-down and had them flip it over at the same time. This photo shows their reactions! yeh!
Thank you all for your support during this roller-coaster of a journey. I pray it is smooth sailing from here. Our hearts are still mending from the heart-break of Tirunesh. While she is not far from our thoughts or hearts, we are so over-joyed that we have arrived at this place with the referral for our daughter and do not feel that the joy of this has been tainted in any way. It is just as amazing and joyful! We will pray for both "T"'s and their adoption journeys to their forever families.