May 18th....Drew is 5! How is the years zip by? We had a long celebration while we were in Orlando for my cousin, Rita's wedding. On the first day to Disney, Drew said "It's my birthday!", on the 2nd day of Disney, "It's my birthday!". We had an icecream birthday cake at our rental house and then Aunt Joyce bought a cake to celebrate Drew and Aunt Peggy's birthday after the wedding! On his actualy birthday, May 18th, we flew home early to WI and were able to open presents and Drew choose his meals....McDonald's and Pizza Hut! His favorites! It is hard to believe my little baby is 5. Time is going far too quickly. Drew is a wonderful, spirited boy with tons of charm, a killer smile and is always ready to give you a hug. We love you Drew!
Our time in Florida was such fun! We stayed in a great rental home not far from Disney with Nana, Pops and cousin Grace. It was so fun. The kids loved the pool and whirlpool at the house, but the highlight of the house was definitely the t.v. in the room with their bunk beds. A little bit of kid-heaven! We all had a great time at Disney. The kids really enjoyed seeing all the wonderful shows, characters and rides. Because it was Drew's birthday, they were able to "drive" the monorail with the driver....very special. Nana and Pops were so great to have with us. I think they loved seeing Disney with the kids and experiencing the magic through their eyes! It was a magical time at Disney for everyone!
We also were able to visit with our McCormick family. First, with Aunt Joyce and Uncle Don at their beach house in New Symrna. This visit brought back my own childhood memories of visiting the beach house when my Grandpa McCormick owned it. I really enjoyed sharing this with my boys. We were able to visit with our exteneded family with the wedding festivities, which was great. The wedding was just lovely....and you could see my cousin, Rita, is very happy and in love!