

Friday, June 17, 2011

hot air balloon!

Once a year our town hosts a balloon rally.  Last night the balloons were in the sky.

And one balloon decided to land in our neighborhood!
Isn't it neat to see all of these little people in our neighborhood....and there are quite a few missing from this photo.   And how wonderful to see how small they are compared to that beautiful balloon!

The balloon team practiced taking off and landing.....then the real fun started for our little neighborhood!

Yep, that's right....balloon rides!  yahoo!!!
This is Tessa, Daddy and her friend Viv and her Mom.   
I was behind my camera thinking....
how amazing is it that this little sweetie from Ethiopia just had a hot air balloon ride?  

This is Juddy with his buddy Logan.

All the kids in the neighborhood had a turn...if they chose to.  ;)
This is Jack...running to the balloon. And then deciding "no way man"

Below is Drew with his pals Nicholas and Carson....happy boys!

below....Judson and Logan flying high!

Tessa wasn't a big fan of the fire, noise and heat.   There were tears.

but when in Daddy's arms everything going to be o.k.

Eventually the fun has to come to an end......but even watching the balloon come down was beautiful.


  1. How pathetic am I that I've never been in a hot air balloon?! Seriously. Must do something about that.

    Your photos are gorgeous. Absolutely.
