

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Power of Cheese!

How very "Wisconsin" of us....our weekend was full because of Uncle Bing's U.W. celebration, Cheese Days and Flag Football for Juddy. 

 The "Power of Cheese" photo of the family was at the Cheese Days Parade.  The kids absolutely loved it!  There was so much to see that Jack stayed awake in his stroller despite it being way past his nap-time.  Juddy and Drew were on a mission to collect as much candy as possible.  Darn, now my candy jar is full again!   Andy and I went out on the town for Cheese Days.  The square downtown was full of the sights and smells of people drinking beer and eating cheese curds.  It actually was a fun night to see people out and enjoying our little town.

Juddy had a great 1st flag football game!  Here in the photos you can see Juddy running in his very first touch down.  He was so proud!  I was too!  Now this is my entry into an interest in football!

Andy and I also celebrated Uncle Bing's career as Chairman of Surgery at UW-Madison with a black tie dinner.  Now that doesn't happen everyday.  Despite my very high heeled shoes killing me, we had a great time and looked great too! No photo to prove it!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Adoption Update

Recently we have heard from our adoption agency, Children's Home Society & Family Services, that the referral time has lengthened.  I had a strong feeling that this may be the case and so I contacted our social worker.  I don't know why, but when I would tell someone that we may get our referral this winter it felt like it might be premature.  Well, my instincts were correct and the wait on the "list" is at about 12 months from the time you submitted your dossier.  Our dossier was submitted on April that puts us at April for the referral and then we would travel 12-16 later.  So, this summer we could be traveling to Ethiopia to be united with our daughter.  I am trusting that god, the universe, is constructing this journey just as it should be to unite us with our daughter.  And the more I think about it...maybe Jack will be that much easier by the time she arrives.  Heres hoping!  That's where things stand today...September 17th!

Oh, side note....I am headed to Chicago for an Oprah taping tomorrow!  YAHOO! Can't wait... it is a Dr.Oz show on gender differences.  Should be lots of fun!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life with Jack...who is almost 2

Life with Jack....who is almost 2, is so many things.  It is Jack finding trouble at every turn, it is a messy face, drool soaked shirt, sticky hands.  It is wet socks and pants from stepping and playing in the dog bowl.  It is a toilet paper in a bunch in the bathroom.  It is babbling and laughing.  It is giggles as he runs outside.  It is sweet cheeks and chunkiness.  It is a strange noise from the other room.  It is crawling out of his crib.  It is toddler-proofing.  It is sweet hugs and messy kisses.   It is curly soft hair.  It is his head on my shoulder when he is tired.  It is wanting to play with the big boys.  It is asking why?  It is we love, love love you not-so-baby Jack.  Your almost 2!

Friday, September 5, 2008

First Day of School

This year Judson is in Ms. Skattum's 1st grade class at Northside Elementary.  Drew is in the 4-K program at Monroe Preschool with Mrs. Minogue.  What big boys I have.  They are both excited to be back at school.  Drew loves that his best friend Charlie is in his class.  Juddy is equally excited that his friends, Lily and Logan are in his class!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day fun!

Tyler, Bekka, Grace, Jonah and Baby Eliah all came for a visit to Monroe.  We had the most beautiful weather and a great time together...even the toddlers found a way to play together on the swings.  When not playing together sometimes Jack and Jonah would have a "no match", you know one person is in one room shouting no and another in another room responding with "no!".  They have mastered that game!  As you can see Auntie Bekka have Jack a haircut just like Jonah's.... he was really needing a full haircut and it is too cute.  There was lots of swimming, playing and s'mores by the campfire.
Thank you to Tyler and Bekka for making the trip....we love having our family visit!